Boyd has a brand new single out called “Ask No Questions,” and it was just recently published on September 15th of this year. The musician also served as the track’s producer which was quite impressive. “Ask No Questions” has a combination of vocals, saxophone, and electronic soundscapes. It’s an artsy piece culminating in a fantastic EDM banger that contains some jazz elements.
“Ask No Questions” is filled with mystery and a dash of cinematic appeal. The initiation of the vibrating electro bass and the connection with light guitar chords gave me chills. Once the singer sets in, a moody saxophone joins the ensemble. Together, the instrumentation had an aura of elegance and grace. As the track progressed, I felt drawn to the catchy essence of it all. The techno dream sequence that arrives in the middle was passionately created. It is quite evident because the minimal keys brought forth a lovely rhythmic space for the saxophone sounds to dance around.
Coming back to the mysterious and cinematic themes of the song, the singer surely lit the way for those elements to shine. The narrative of the track is simple, yet quite moving. Once each instrument joins the mix and the percussion sets the tempo mechanics properly, the lyrical ode is more gripping as well as enticing. “Ask No Questions” by Simon Boyd sets the perfect example for a late-night escapade around town, and some reflective EDM beats to keep the night young.

Coming from the town of Toay in Argentina, Simon Boyd is a creative with a background in visual art who’s ventured into the realms of electronic music production over the last two years. Weaving his vocals and saxophone performances over spacey beat-driven soundscapes, he crafts his own unique sound of electronic pop music.
Fluttering between different sonic styles such as house, trance and experimental jazz music, he makes a transportive listening experience that demonstrates his creativity and originality. Instilled with a thrilling sense of experimentation, in his own way he’s been pushing the boundaries of the chillout style.
n 2020, he unveiled his sound with the release of his debut single “5 Sol” which he’s followed up with a string of singles, 2 EPs and a debut record with 2021’s Give Me a Sign. Now he brings us his latest work with his new single “Ask No Questions”.
Offering a dreamy atmosphere with a gentle energy driven by a mellow beat, buzzy synths textures collide with his airy vocal processing and sax leads to create an ethereal blend of electro pop. Written, performed and produced entirely by Simon Boyd himself, with “Ask No Questions” he lays down a memorable and charming new vibe on a mesmeric track.

Ask No Questions
Toay, Argentina

The latest techno-pop single from Simon Boyd, ‘Ask No Questions’, features an array of interesting synth sounds, percussion and soul influences. It’s a soundscape in a bottle. Washing and waving sound against glass-smooth walls and listening to the echo. Arpeggios and rattling bass take the melody home. It’s floating upon a cloud-like synth that has no edges, it flows like sand between phrases and keeps forming new shapes as it goes. The addition of a saxophone adds some needed texture, a throughline to reality. The electricity stops its domination for just a second, then the beat thrusts you into the groove again.
‘Ask No Questions’ is a very complex single, its construction is a conversation. It has highs and lows, not verses and choruses, it sighs and laughs and oozes with emotion. The vocals on the track do well to add some humanity to the techno-swirl. The lines sung are long, drawn and pleading at times, it gives the track a melancholy feel that pairs wonderfully with the emotive bass and percussive textures that sit in the back, playing their disco-games.
If you’re a fan of experimental pop, or miss the vibe that Depeche Mode brought into the limelight, then Simon Boyd’s ‘Ask No Questions’ is a tune you simply have to listen to. – FREDDIE MCKEE
Simon boyd frappe un coup de maître avec son single original intitulé « Ask No Questions »
26 novembre 2022
Nous sommes allés à l’écoute du single que nous propose Simon Boyd, qui a vraiment mis la barre très haute musicalement parlant. C’est 5 minutes de détente acoustique, avec des mélodies sans précédent. Comment ne pas lui tirer un coup de chapeau face une telle prouesse ? L’artiste d’origine Argentine, nous montre là toute l’affection qu’il porte à la musique. Son talent décelé très tôt, ce dernier va opter pour des études à l’université de Middlesex de Londres où il polira de mieux en mieux son talent grâce aux beaux-arts.
Étant aussi particulièrement amoureux de saxophone, on le sent en l’écoutant que Simon Boyd veut pour ce morceau un mélange parfait entre des paroles accrocheuses et des riffs de saxophone. Son talent de producteur en alternance lui a permis de mettre sur pied à lui tout seul ce morceau. On ne peut pas dire que c’est un échec car il suffit d’y accorder 5 minutes de votre temps pour vous rendre compte que vous ne pouvez pas vous en passer.
Ne soyez pas surpris que vous ne vouliez plus vous arrêter d’écouter, car il est fondant pour les oreilles.
Página inicialNotíciaSimon Boyd surpreende em novo single relaxante e envolvente
Victor MatheusDezembro 06, 2022

Por: Victor Matheus
Simon Boyd lança novo single “Ask No Questions” sendo o segundo trabalho lançado nesse ano.
Antes, o artista havia lançado os singles “Things To Do” e no ano passado “Like a Bug”.
Simon traz uma música eletrônica versátil, que ele mesmo cria, incorporando seu vocal e ainda o saxofone.
“Ask No Questions” é um eletrônico experimental, com influências jazz, pop e que relax bastante os ouvintes. A música é versátil, leva os ouvintes em diversos ambientes, é marcante pela sua autenticidade.
O vocal de Simon Boyd entra na canção é anuncia logo o título, entrando batidas de hip hop e o saxofone que nos lembra Kenny G., isso é sensacional. Logo depois, “Ask No Questions” começa a se transformar, remetendo aos anos 80, e aos poucos vai ficando agitada como em eletrônica pop, podendo ouvir na transição alguns toques de cordas que remetem ao violão.
“Ask No Questions”, talvez o ouvinte deva se perguntar como Simon Boyd consegue criar um som que faz flutuar dessa forma. Talvez não deva fazer perguntas. A única certeza é a divertida aventura e experiência que Simon proporciona ao ouvinte.

Diretamente da Argentina, esse é um artista que aparece por aqui com um trabalho revelado nas plataformas de streaming há praticamente um mês e que iremos falar mais sobre abaixo.
Lançado na primeira quinzena de Novembro, ‘Ask No Questions’ é um single que passa pelo eletrônico, cinemático, leftfield, entre outros, repleto de experimentalismo e sendo feito e produzido de maneira DIY, unindo seu lirismo a saxofone a batidas que certamente não deixará ninguém parado nas pistas.
Sonic Explorer Simon Boyd Returns with Ethereal Number ‘Ask No Questions’
Many would agree on the fact that being an artist is more of a state of mind, than a profession. The ability to be creative and to find inspiration in unexpected places are qualities that few chosen individuals actually have. Sure, everyone can create following a formula. But can you innovate and create from scratch? Can you write your own formula?
Emerging from Argentina, Simon Boyd tries to answer that questions, making the transition from visual art to music while retaining authentic artistic flair and a courageous outlook. A gifted painter, he’s living proof that an artist can successfully gap disciplines. At its core, being an artist means creating. And so he creates. Taking up music production in 2020, Boyd has so far released a plethora of singles navigating all the nuances of modern electronic music, mixed with organic instruments.
‘Ask No Questions’ is the project’s latest effort, an anthemic, bouncy single with a mesmerising essence. Being perhaps one of the most poppy tracks Simon has ever made, the record focuses on a trap-infused beat, layering his own vocals with saxophone riffing, a feature often found in his music. Boyd continues by interlacing groovy moments with more ethereal, abstract section. Channelling leftfield electronica and hip-hop, the track really manages to find its own identity in an over-standardised world. Well done.
Recommended! Discover ‘Ask No Questions’ on Spotify: https://www.mesmerized.io/sonic-explorer-simon-boyd-returns-with-ethereal-number-ask-no-questions/
Interview: Simon Boyd – Ask No Questions
November 28, 2022
From a visual arts background, Simon Boyd started producing electronic music in 2020, incorporating his own vocals and saxophone playing. By combining his imagination as a painter with his creative instinct, Simon Boyd brings a unique originality to his music that pushes the boundaries between genres such as house, trance and experimental jazz. Originally from London, now based in Argentina and enjoy collaborating with other artists.
By Kamil Bobin
Discovered via Musosoup

Hello Simon Boyd. What first got you into music?
I used to listen to a lot of music that my parents liked as a kid, such as Van Morrison and Tracy Chapman, and when I was thirteen my Mum bought me my first alto saxophone. I had a brilliant teacher at school and soon fell in love with the vitality of the instrument. When I emigrated to Argentina, I was able to dedicate more time to practising and played with various local musicians.
What do you think your role is in this world?
My motivation as a musician and visual artist is to try and create something that is both sincere and universal. The attraction of making music is that it is so global and has the power to reach people from all walks of life. I believe that art in general should be a way of putting to one side personal differences.
Your latest track is ‘Ask No Questions’. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?
‘Ask No Questions’ was a slight change in direction for me artistically in the sense that it was less experimental than my previous work. I was looking for a particular sound that was a culmination of different influences such as techno, trance arpeggios and pop. I’ve always approached music from the mindset of a painter, visualising audio landscapes, and being as open-minded as possible in my approach. With ‘Ask No Questions’ I imagined the landscape being by the sea and had an image of racing across waves.
The lyrics ‘Ask no questions, get no lies’ were really a dig at how information can be manipulated and distorted in order to coerce and divide society. I believe that the role of an artist is really to throw out questions rather than try and provide answers.
What’s your scariest experience?
I love water-sports and when I was in my late teens I was windsurfing the Solent and all of a sudden was overcome by severe fatigue and couldn’t lift my sail. I was in the middle of the shipping stream, surrounded by big waves, and being sucked out to sea by the tide! Luckily, a yacht passed by and took me to Southampton harbour. I will never forget the feeling of desperation at being at the mercy of the sea.
How do you spend your time?
I spend the majority of my time painting and making music.
What are you most proud of?
Good question… Artistically speaking, I’m rarely proud of anything that I produce, but with some of my recent paintings I feel I have managed to focus more on the process rather than looking for a particular outcome. I have also been more economical with what I have put down on canvas. There is always a tendency to over work a painting, and in doing so, lose the vitality.
If you could go open a show for any artist, who would it be?
I saw Sohn play at Latitude a few years back and was blown away. I love the way he layers his vocals and the gentle urgency behind his music.
What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as an artist?
I try to meet up and play with other musicians as much as possible, as well as going to see live music. I am currently working on an EP with a friend that is an amalgamation of Argentinian / Latin rhythms and my English music roots. The crossing of different genres, while retaining a coherent thread, is an interesting challenge!
Do you think that technology is improving lives?
Without a doubt, technology improves lives, but there is also an ever-increasing need to find time to disconnect from it and just sit in silence. Painting for me provides that silence.
What superpower would you have and why?
Probably the ability to fly so that I could visit my family in the UK whenever I wanted to. https://www.lostinthemanor.co.uk/blog/interview/november2022/musosoup/simonboyd